
Creating Tomorrow’s Forests

December 18, 2020
Forest covered in cloud

Kiwi Power are delighted to announce a partnership with Creating Tomorrow’s Forests, a UK-based company dedicated to planting trees in the optimal way to maximise biodiversity and capture carbon. 

The forestry team will plant a tree for every Kiwi Power colleague, client and customer at a new Somerset location: Charlotte’s Wood.

Following the Miyawaki Method, saplings are planted at high densities to ensure fast yet sustainable growth, restoring biodiversity as quickly as possible. The team focus on creating naturally diverse landscapes, with trees, shrubs and wildflowers. At Charlotte’s Wood, bat boxes, bird boxes, hibernacula, wildflower meadow plants and aquatic marginal plants are all incorporated into the low lying land plot to create a complete ecosystem.

Amy Wilson commented:

It felt important to invest in local afforestation for our staff, and to honour our commitment to sustainability in a small way. We will continue to work with Creating Tomorrow’s Forests by planting additional trees in the new year and look forward to a site visit when travel restrictions ease.

Having planted 8 million trees over the past six years, Creating Tomorrow’s Forests have their sights set on reaching 10 million over the next year.

Creating Tomorrow’s Forests